How can I prevent clubfoot in my baby?

How can I prevent clubfoot in my baby?

Good healthcare before and during pregnancy gives your child the best chance for a healthy start in life. Even before you’re pregnant, you may want to consider if a preconception checkup is right for you. During this visit, a healthcare provider makes sure you are as healthy as possible when you get pregnant.

If you are at high risk for having a baby with clubfoot or other birth defects, talk to a genetic counselor. A genetic counselor is an expert in birth defects and genetic conditions. And get checked for infections such as Zika virus. Treating infections before you become pregnant increases the chances for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

When you are pregnant:

  • Make sure to go to all your prenatal care checkups.
  • Protect against Zika.
  • Don’t smoke, use illegal drugs or drink alcohol.

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