How can I prevent a blister?
How can I prevent a blister?
You have several options for preventing blisters. Most involve preparation and caution. Preventing blisters depends on the type of blister:
Friction blisters: Friction blisters result from repeated rubbing. To prevent them:
- Make sure your shoes fit well and do not rub.
- Break in new shoes before wearing them for extended periods.
- Wear gloves to protect your hands if you plan on doing a lot of manual labor.
- Wear properly fitting clothes to prevent chafing that can lead to blisters on other parts of your body.
Blood blisters: These blisters usually develop when something pinches part of your skin. They typically happen on the hands. It’s harder to prevent them, but take these steps:
- Stay alert when using tools or things that can pinch.
- Wear gloves when working with pruners, strong pliers or in other tight situations.
Heat blisters: Heat blisters can result from a burn or when your skin gets too hot as you recover from frostbite. To prevent them:
- Use sunscreen if you plan to be in the sun for an extended period.
- Be extra careful when handling hot items or working around a fire.
- Wear weather-appropriate clothing to avoid frostbite. If your skin gets frostbitten, slowly raise your body temperature using lukewarm water.