When is it necessary to have either surgery or carotid stenting for carotid artery disease?

When is it necessary to have either surgery or carotid stenting for carotid artery disease?

If the carotid artery has severe narrowing or blockage, an individual is at risk for embolization, where debris in the area of narrowing can break off and head upstream into a blood vessel in the brain blocking the supply of oxygen to cells in the brain. To reduce this risk, a procedure must be done to open the artery and allow blood flow to the brain. In such instances, a stroke could occur if patient does not receive treatment for carotid artery disease.

In some instances, patients will have the symptoms of stroke that will occur for a short period of time. This is sometimes referred to as a "mini-stroke" and is a strong indicator of significant risk for a more severe subsequent stroke, especially in the setting of carotid artery narrowing. In those patients with carotid artery disease and "mini-stroke" or transient ischemic attacks (TIA), the carotid artery should be treated to relieve the narrowing.

If a patient has a stroke, it is important to get an Emergency Room to obtain prompt medical treatment within three to six hours.

  • Learn more about stroke.

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