How can I live my best life if I have been diagnosed with and treated for achalasia?

How can I live my best life if I have been diagnosed with and treated for achalasia?

First, you’ll need to understand that achalasia is a lifelong condition. You’ll also need to have realistic expectations about the outcomes of the different treatment procedures. No treatment cures achalasia. Ask your healthcare provider to discuss all treatment options and their success rate for controlling symptoms, the need for repeat procedures and frequency, and the risks and benefits of each procedure.

Helpful lifestyle changes you can make include:

  • Cut your food into small, bite-size pieces and eat in an upright position. This will allow gravity to help move food through your esophagus.
  • Never lay flat. This will increase your risk of aspirating food into your lungs. Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Avoid eating solid foods at bedtime.

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