How will a doctor diagnose bronchiectasis?

How will a doctor diagnose bronchiectasis?

Bronchiectasis is believed to be underdiagnosed. If your symptoms lead your doctor to suspect this disease, the following tests are likely to be ordered:

  • Chest CT scan or X-rayimaging tests to show the state of the lungs.
  • Blood tests and sputum cultures to find out if there are infections.
  • Lung function tests to determine how well you are breathing/how well your lungs are working.
  • Bronchoscopy, which is a way to see inside the lungs. The method uses a light and a camera on a tube inserted through the nose or mouth and then down the trachea into the lungs. In the case of blockages, a bronchoscopy can also find and remove the object blocking the airways. The procedure can also be used to obtain lung secretions.

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