How is cerebral cavernous hemangioma treated?

How is cerebral cavernous hemangioma treated?

Treatment options depend on the location of your cavernous hemangioma(s) in your brain and if they have bled and are causing uncontrollable symptoms.

If your cavernous hemangioma is not causing symptoms, your neurosurgeon may simply want to watch it with regularly scheduled brain scans. Your healthcare provider will prescribe medication to manage your symptoms such as headache and seizures.

Surgery to remove your cavernous hemangioma is the main treatment approach if you’re having symptoms. Surgery is more likely if:

  • You’ve had one or more symptomatic bleeding episodes.
  • The bleeding has caused neurologic problems (like limb weakness or vision problems) and the problems are getting worse.
  • You have seizures that aren’t controlled with medication.

Your hemangioma’s location is also considered. Your neurosurgeon will decide if removing your hemangioma is less disruptive to your brain tissue than the risk of damage from additional bleeds.

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