How is an Achilles tendon rupture treated?

How is an Achilles tendon rupture treated?

If you suspect you have an Achilles tendon rupture, you should see your doctor right away. There are surgical and non-surgical ways to treat the rupture. Surgery is the most common treatment.

Non-surgical treatment

The foot and ankle are flexed downward in a cast or boot. The cast or a boot will stay on anywhere from 8 to 12 weeks. Physical therapy will follow.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is recommended for those who are young to middle-aged and active. The ruptured tendon is sewn together during surgery. This is an outpatient procedure. Afterward, the leg is put into a splint cast or walking boot. Physical therapy will be recommended as the tendon heals.

Healing is nearly complete in about 4 to 6 months. However, it can take up to a year to return to sports fully.

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