How is cancer fatigue managed or treated?

How is cancer fatigue managed or treated?

The first step in treating fatigue is knowing the problem exists. Many people don't bother to mention fatigue to their doctors because they believe it is normal. It's vital that you discuss this and all symptoms or side effects with your healthcare provider. Then, efforts can be directed at determining the cause of the problem and prescribing appropriate treatment. Your particular cancer treatment regimen, with its known side effects, may provide clues for your doctor or health care professional. A simple blood test, for example, can determine if you are anemic.

There is no single medication available to treat fatigue. However, there are medications available that can treat some of the underlying causes.

When you’re struggling, you may want to see a palliative care specialist. These experts help people with cancer manage symptoms like pain, nausea and depression.

Your provider or palliative care team may recommend these actions to ease fatigue:

  • Move more: As surprising as it might sound, studies show that staying active is one of the best ways to fight fatigue. Going for a walk outdoors while breathing fresh air can be especially invigorating. Physical activity, including gentle exercises like yoga and tai chi, may also help you sleep better.
  • Seek mental health support: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help you cope with the range of emotions you may feel. Therapy can help you manage stress and may even improve sleep. In-person and online support groups can also provide help.
  • Talk to a dietitian: A nutrition specialist can recommend dietary changes, vitamins and electrolyte supplements to raise your energy. You can also find foods that won’t aggravate cancer treatment-related side effects like nausea, mouth sores and diarrhea.
  • Use mind-body strategies: Research suggests that mindfulness practices, such as yoga and acupuncture, lessen cancer fatigue. You may also see improvements with massage therapy, meditation and relaxing martial arts like qigong and tai chi.

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