How is atelophobia managed or treated?

How is atelophobia managed or treated?

There are a variety of ways to manage a fear of imperfection, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT focuses on helping you change the way you think about imperfection. You may explore the reasons why you see mistakes as negative experiences rather than learning experiences. A therapist teaches you to identify the specific triggers that cause your anxiety.
  • Exposure therapy: You work on desensitizing yourself to the fear of imperfections. After identifying your triggers with CBT, you expose yourself to the triggers and learn how to cope with them in safe, healthy ways.
  • Lifestyle modifications: A healthy diet and regular exercise can help improve your mood and diminish feelings of depression or negative thinking. Deep breathing, yoga or meditation may help you manage anxiety and keep panic attacks at bay.
  • Medication: The medication doesn’t treat the source of your fear. But it may reduce the symptoms of depression or anxiety that accompany atelophobia. Your healthcare provider may recommend antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, sedatives or beta-blockers.

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