How is appendicitis in children treated?

How is appendicitis in children treated?

Sometimes appendicitis in kids may be treated with antibiotics alone. But most often, appendicitis is treated by removing your child’s appendix. The surgery to remove the appendix is called an appendectomy. Appendectomies may be performed in one of two ways:

  • Laparoscopic: A surgeon makes several small incisions (cuts) in your child’s lower right abdomen. Your surgeon will then place a video camera through one of the incisions. They will then use small tools to remove your child’s appendix through the incisions. This type of appendectomy has a shorter recovery time and a lower infection rate.
  • Laparotomy (open): A surgeon makes one larger incision in your child’s lower right abdomen. This type of appendectomy often is used in more complicated cases of appendicitis. It has a longer recovery time.

Before surgery, your child will receive antibiotics. A physician who specializes in pain relief and sedation in children (pediatric anesthesiologist) will give your child anesthesia. Anesthesia brings on sleep. The surgery will take about an hour to perform.

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