How can I conserve energy when I have cancer fatigue?

How can I conserve energy when I have cancer fatigue?

Plan and organize your work

  • Change storage of items to reduce trips or reaching.
  • Delegate when needed.
  • Combine motions and activities and simplify details.

Schedule rest

  • Balance periods of rest and work.
  • Rest before you feel tired.
  • Frequent, short rests are beneficial.

Pace yourself

  • A moderate pace is better than rushing through activities.
  • Reduce sudden or prolonged strains.
  • Alternate sitting and standing.

Practice proper body mechanics to combat cancer fatigue

  • When sitting, use a chair with good support.
  • Adjust work heights − work without bending over.
  • Bend at your knees and hips, not at your back.
  • Carry several smaller loads or use a cart.

Limit overhead work

  • Use long-handled tools.
  • Store items lower.
  • Delegate.

Limit isometric work

  • Do not hold your breath.
  • Wear comfortable clothes to allow for free and easy breathing.

Identify anything in your environment that may contribute to cancer fatigue

  • Avoid extreme temperature.
  • Eliminate smoke or noxious fumes.
  • Avoid long, hot showers or baths.


  • Decide what activities are important to you, and what could be delegated.
  • Use your energy on important tasks.

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