How can I best learn to cope with age-related hearing loss?

How can I best learn to cope with age-related hearing loss?

You may ask your family or other loved ones to help you make it easier to live with hearing loss. Sharing about your hearing loss with others can help you find support to cope with the condition.

You can better manage your hearing loss by:

  • Informing friends, family and communication partners of your hearing loss.
  • Asking family and friends to face you when they speak.
  • Being specific when you’re telling someone how they can help you better understand. For example, let them know that they need to get your attention before they start talking or that you use facial cues to help you understand, so you need them to look at you when speaking.
  • Avoiding places with lots of ambient noise, such as restaurants or venues with live music.
  • Turning off the television or radio when you aren’t listening to them.
  • Wearing hearing aids or using other devices as directed by your provider.
  • Showing appreciation for when someone goes out of their way to help you.

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