How are astrocytomas managed and treated?

How are astrocytomas managed and treated?

Decisions on the treatment of astrocytomas may be made with input from specialists, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists. Treatments include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and therapeutic electric fields.

Surgical treatments include biopsies, laser ablation and tumor resections. Drains may be put into place in order to decrease intracranial pressure. Radiation and/or chemotherapies are often prescribed for high-risk tumors. Tumor-treating electric fields may also be of benefit in some cases.

Your doctor may believe that the best treatment strategy is for patients to participate in clinical trials, when available. Staging of astrocytomas is not usually done because it is rare that they grow outside the brain. A person being treated for astrocytoma may also need physical therapy and/or occupational therapy.

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