Are there ways to prevent cervical spondylosis from occurring?

Are there ways to prevent cervical spondylosis from occurring?

There is no way to prevent cervical spondylosis as this condition is a normal, age-related deterioration (“wear and tear”) of the joint space and disks in your neck.

If you do have a job or a hobby that results in a lot of time spent looking overhead, downward or having your head in an awkward posture, take many short breaks in your day (if possible). Learn proper stretching and strengthening exercises from your healthcare provider or physical therapist.

Follow other self-help therapies such as applying ice or heat to your neck to ease muscle soreness and pain and taking over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drugs and pain-killers such as ibuprofen or naproxen.

Always follow the instructions of your healthcare professionals and physical therapist.

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