Are there any special concerns for women of childbearing age with acne?

Are there any special concerns for women of childbearing age with acne?

Many topical and oral acne treatments are contraindicated during pregnancy. If you’re a woman in your childbearing years, it’s important to discuss acne treatments with your healthcare provider and alert them if you become pregnant. Isotretinoin is known to cause severe birth defects and therefore, two methods of birth control are required while on this medication.

Hormone therapy is helpful for some women with acne, especially for those that flare-up with menstruation or those with signs and symptoms (irregular periods) of excess androgen (male hormone). Hormone therapy consists of low-dose estrogen and progesterone (birth control pills) or a medication called spironolactone that blocks the effect of male hormones at the level of the hair follicles and oil glands.

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