Are there any home remedies for bullous pemphigoid?

Are there any home remedies for bullous pemphigoid?

There aren’t any home remedies for bullous pemphigoid, but there are things you can do to make your symptoms more tolerable, including:

  • Wear soft, loose-fitting clothing made out of natural fibers.
  • Avoid spending a lot of time in the sun and wear sunscreen.
  • Wash your sores or ulcers with antibacterial soap and water to prevent infection. Then, apply antibiotic ointment to your affected areas and wrap them in nonadhesive (doesn’t stick to your skin) bandages.
  • Avoid standing or walking for long periods if you have bullous pemphigoid on your feet.
  • Moisturize your skin with lotions, creams, coconut oil or shea butter oil.

If you have bullous pemphigoid in your mouth, the following tips can make your symptoms more tolerable and help prevent nutrition problems:

  • Eat a diet of soft foods, such as soups, mashed foods, pudding and applesauce.
  • Wait until hot foods cool down before you eat.
  • Avoid crunchy or sharp foods, including chips, cereal, crusty bread and raw vegetables and fruits.
  • Avoid acidic foods, including hot peppers, salsa, citrus fruits and tomatoes.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol.

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