How do I manage my dermatomyositis symptoms?

How do I manage my dermatomyositis symptoms?

Managing your dermatomyositis symptoms will likely be a long-term process — possibly for the rest of your life.

  • If your provider, physical therapist or speech therapist gives you exercises, do them as often as they suggest. This will help keep your muscles as strong as possible.
  • Take any medications as often as you should for as long as your provider prescribes.
  • Avoid UV exposure. Minimize your time in the sun, don’t use indoor tanning beds and take breaks indoors or under shade as often as possible while you’re outside.
  • Use sunscreen whenever you know you’ll be outdoors. Make sure your sunscreen has an SPF rating of at least 50 and reapply it every two hours.

If you have dermatomyositis, it’s important to see your healthcare provider regularly. They’ll need to monitor your symptoms and make sure your condition isn’t spreading or getting more severe.

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