Who might get a bruise?

Who might get a bruise?

Everyone experiences bruising. Bruises can occur from a fall, accident, sports injury or medical procedure. Older people are more likely to bruise. There are some bleeding disorders that can lead to excessive bruising. There are also some medical conditions that may make you more prone to bruising.

You may be more prone to bruising if you:

  • Have cancer or liver disease.
  • Have family members who bruise easily.
  • Take medications to thin blood or stop clotting, such as aspirin or blood thinners.
  • Regularly take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for pain relief, including ibuprofen (AdvilĀ®) or naproxen (AleveĀ®).
  • Have a bleeding disorder such as hemophilia, von Willebrand disease or another blood clotting disorder.
  • Experience a low blood platelet count (thrombocytopenia).
  • Are deficient in vitamin C or vitamin K.

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