Who is affected by CPPD?

Who is affected by CPPD?

CPPD affects both men and women. It occurs more frequently in people as they age, commonly affecting people over age 60.

People who have an increased risk for CPPD include those with:

  • A thyroid condition.
  • · Kidney failure.
  • · Parathyroid disease.
  • · Low magnesium.
  • · Disorders that affect calcium, phosphate or iron metabolism (such as hemochromatosis).

The condition is also commonly present in people who have osteoarthritis/degenerative joint disease. "Attacks" of osteoarthritis associated with pain, swelling and redness of the joint may in fact, in certain cases, be due to CPPD.

CPPD in young patients is unusual. Its occurrence should lead the doctor to look for certain metabolic and hereditary disorders.

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