What's so bad about cocaine and crack?

What's so bad about cocaine and crack?

Cocaine and crack are dangerous for many reasons. Cocaine and crack use can lead to serious side effects – some life-threatening – including:

  • Sudden cardiac death.
  • Brain seizures.
  • Irregular heartbeat/increased heart rate.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Heart attack.
  • Depression.
  • Stroke.
  • Violent actions.
  • Loss of ability to perform sexually.
  • Addiction, even after one try.

In a person who is addicted, his or her cocaine use becomes an obsession and strong urge that can cause:

  • Loss of control over his or her life.
  • A willingness to do anything to get more cocaine.
  • Spending a tremendous amount of money on his or her habit.
  • A loss of interest in friends, family, and social activities.
  • A need to take the drug just to feel “normal."

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