What will my life look like if I have aortic dissection?

What will my life look like if I have aortic dissection?

Every person who survives aortic dissection — even if they didn’t have surgery — needs to be seen at regular intervals (usually every three to 12 months) for follow-up imaging. Imaging allows changes to be caught that can then be acted upon in a safe and timely manner.

Blood pressure medicine, usually beta-blockers, will be prescribed to control your blood pressure and heart rate. You’ll need to take them for the rest of your life. Sometimes more than one blood pressure medication may be needed. If you can’t tolerate these medications, other blood pressure drugs can be used.

Aerobic exercises — such as walking, biking and swimming — may be encouraged. But you’ll need to avoid activities, such as heavy weight lifting (e.g., > half your body weight), which can increase blood pressure and put added stress on your aorta.

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