What questions might a healthcare provider ask to help diagnose back pain?

What questions might a healthcare provider ask to help diagnose back pain?

Your healthcare provider will ask if you injured yourself, how long you’ve had back pain and how severe your pain is. They need to know other medical problems you have and what medications you take. If you have family members who have had similar issues, let your provider know. They might also ask questions such as:

  • Are you able to work every day?
  • Does what you do for a living involve lifting?
  • Do any of your hobbies aggravate your back pain?
  • Do you have any other symptoms? (For example, if you have pain when you urinate in addition to your back pain then that may indicate a urinary tract infection.)
  • Where is your pain located?
  • How does the pain affect your daily activities?
  • What at-home treatments have you tried? (ice packs, heat pads, etc.)

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