What procedures treat benign bone tumors?

What procedures treat benign bone tumors?

Treating benign bone tumors using surgery calls for removing the tumor as well as promoting the growth of new healthy bone at the site of the tumor. The surgeon caring for these tumors should try to remove the tumor with the least amount of trauma to surrounding normal bone tissue.

Surgeons should also have experience with proper stabilization of the bone with orthopedic hardware and bone grafting — as necessary. The combination of these techniques allows people with benign bone tumors, especially young people, to be able to return to full and unlimited activities after treatment.

Other treatments can be used for certain types of bone tumors. One treatment for osteoid osteoma may include radiofrequency ablation or thermal necrosis. These procedures require anesthesia, are often done as a combined approach and involve orthopedic surgeons and radiologists. Aneurysmal bone cysts (ABCs) can be treated with serial (repeated) injections of a medication called doxycycline and have a good chance of resolving without an open surgery.

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