What outcome can I expect from the various treatment options in achalasia?

What outcome can I expect from the various treatment options in achalasia?

  • Balloon dilation improves symptoms in 50% to 93% of people with achalasia. Keep in mind that the procedure may need to be repeated to maintain symptom improvement. Repeated dilations increase the risk of causing a hole (perforation) in your esophagus.
  • Minimally invasive surgery/laparoscopic Heller myotomy is effective in 76% to 100% of people with achalasia. Keep in mind that up to 15% of people experience gastroesophageal reflux symptoms after surgery.
  • Botox injection successfully relaxes spastic esophageal sphincter muscles in up to 35% of people with achalasia. The injections must be repeated every six to 12 months to maintain symptom relief.
  • Medications, such as nifedipine, improve symptoms in 0% to 75% of people with achalasia; isosorbide improves symptoms in 53% to 87%.

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