What kind of heights are people with acrophobia afraid of?

What kind of heights are people with acrophobia afraid of?

Types of heights or situations that people with acrophobia may fear include:

  • Walking up a flight of stairs.
  • Being on a ladder.
  • Using a multi-level parking garage.
  • Being on or crossing over a bridge.
  • Being on a rollercoaster.
  • Standing near a balcony or at the top of a building.
  • Looking out a window of a tall building.

Since there are many kinds of phobias, they can be a little challenging to diagnose. People who have acrophobia generally fear more than one kind of height or high place. There are other phobias that are characterized by a fear of a situation that happens to involve a significant height, but the height isn’t the main aspect of the fear. As an example, if you have an intense fear of flying on airplanes (which happens at a significant height) specifically, you may have aerophobia, the fear of flying, and not acrophobia. If you’re experiencing intense fear that limits your life and experiences, it’s important to see your healthcare provider so you can get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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