What is the treatment for adrenal tumors?

What is the treatment for adrenal tumors?

The tumor may be removed via surgery. It is recommended that most functioning tumors, regardless of their size, be removed. Small, nonfunctioning tumors can be followed with repeat CT scans and if they remain stable in size they can be observed without treatment. If a nonfunctioning tumor grows more rapidly than expected, or if it approaches 5 centimeters in maximum dimension, it is generally removed. If the tumor is small and appears to be noncancerous (benign), a laparoscopic strategy (surgery without large incisions) may be ordered. For a larger tumor or one that may be cancerous, surgery with an incision in the back may be preferred. In some cases, the entire adrenal gland may need to be removed. Hormone therapy may be required prior to or after other options, such as surgery, have been done. If the tumor is cancerous, chemotherapy and radiation therapy may be needed.

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