What is the prognosis (outlook) for people who have cerebral hypoxia?

What is the prognosis (outlook) for people who have cerebral hypoxia?

A person with mild cerebral hypoxia may have few, if any, symptoms. They may recover without noticeable long-term effects.

The outlook for someone with cerebral hypoxia depends on:

  • Length of time the brain goes without oxygen.
  • Severity of brain damage.
  • Age at the time of the incident (people younger than 25 may recover better).

Studies suggest that a person who comes out of a coma in less than four weeks has a better chance of recovering with little long-term damage.

Some people remain in a persistent vegetative state. This means they appear to be awake, but they can’t consciously respond to commands or communicate. The odds of recovery aren’t good if this condition lasts for more than three months.

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