What is the prognosis for people with colorectal cancer?

What is the prognosis for people with colorectal cancer?

Every person is different and responds differently to treatment. However, with prompt and appropriate treatment, the outlook for a person with colorectal cancer is hopeful. The survival rate for people with colorectal cancer depends on the stage of the cancer at the time of diagnosis and the individual’s response to treatment. In addition, many new discoveries have the potential for improving the treatment of colorectal cancer, as well as the prognosis.

Several factors determine how well a person will do after treatment for colorectal cancer. They include:

  • Stage of the cancer: This is the most critical factor. The stage of your cancer when diagnosed helps determine the severity of the condition. Lower staged conditions (stages 0, I, II) are characterized by cancers that have not spread to other organs in the body or lymph nodes. The survival rate goes down with higher staged cancers. Talk to your healthcare provider about the different stages of colorectal cancer for more information.
  • The number of lymph nodes involved: The lymph system is a circulatory system that includes an extensive network of lymph vessels and lymph nodes. The lymphatic system helps coordinate the immune system’s function to protect the body from foreign substances. The more lymph glands that were affected by the cancer, the more likely your cancer will recur. Chemotherapy is usually needed in cases where lymph nodes are involved.
  • If the cancer has spread to other organs: If the colorectal cancer is advanced, it may spread to other organs, such as the liver or lungs. In this case, additional chemotherapy or radiation may be needed to help delay the further spread of the cancer.
  • Quality of the surgery: Having the correct surgery performed by an expert surgeon who was trained in colorectal surgery.This is especially important for rectal cancers, where surgery is more complicated.

Many people who have had colorectal cancer live normal lives. The treatments available today offer good outcomes, but you may require several treatments or a combination of treatments (surgery, chemotherapy, radiation) to have the best chance of avoiding a recurrence of the cancer. Remember to tell your doctor about any changes in your health. This will help him or her decide if you need any additional screening tests or treatment.

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