What is the Ponseti method for clubfoot treatment?

What is the Ponseti method for clubfoot treatment?

The Ponseti method is the most popular treatment method involving serial casting. It lasts about two to three months. Your care team will start this therapy within the first two weeks after birth.

An orthopedic surgeon performs this method. They will:

  1. Stretch the foot toward the correct position.
  2. Put the foot in a cast, which starts at the toes and goes all the way to the upper thigh.
  3. Repeat this process every four to seven days with a new cast. Each time, the surgeon moves the foot a little closer to the correct position.

Before the final cast, the surgeon typically performs an Achilles tenotomy. They:

  1. Cut the heel cord (the Achilles tendon) in a quick procedure. This tendon connects the heel to the calf muscles. The cut is small and won’t need stitches.
  2. Put on a new cast as the tendon heals, which takes about three weeks.

The goal of this surgery is to allow the tendon to grow to a typical length. When the last cast comes off, the tendon has reached a regular length. As your baby recovers, they may need to:

  • Do stretching exercises so the feet stay in the correct position.
  • Wear special shoes or a foot brace for a few years.

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