What is the particle repositioning procedure for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)?

What is the particle repositioning procedure for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)?

The particle repositioning procedure takes about 15 minutes to complete and involves a series of physical movements that change the position of the head and body. These actions shift the otoconia out of the semicircular canals and back into their proper location in the utricle.

The particle repositioning procedure begins with the patient sitting up and then lying down on a treatment table. The procedure is very easy to perform. Patients should wear comfortable clothing that will allow them to move freely.

A single particle repositioning procedure is effective in treating about 80% to 90% of cases of BPPV. Additional exercise or repositioning maneuvers may be needed if symptoms continue.

Step-by-step instructions:

Step 1: Start by sitting up on a bed or table. Turn your head 45 degrees toward the affected ear (see how to determine your affected ear above).

Step 2: Quickly lie back, keeping your head turned toward the affected ear as you lie back with your head slightly over the edge of the bed or table. Wait about a minute or until you stop having symptoms.

Step 3: Without raising your head, turn your head quickly in the opposite direction so that your “good” ear is parallel with -- but slightly over the edge of -- the table or bed. Wait about a minute or until you stop having symptoms.

Step 4: Roll onto your side. Continue to turn your head another 90 degrees in the same direction as step 3 so that your nose is now facing the floor. Wait about a minute.

Step 5: Keeping your chin tucked in toward your shoulder, sit up in the direction your body is facing. Follow any post-particle repositioning instructions given to you by your healthcare provider.

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