What is the outlook for a broken clavicle with surgery?

What is the outlook for a broken clavicle with surgery?

If you have surgery, you may feel the plate or other hardware inside your body. You’ll also have limited use of your arm for six to eight weeks. After that, you can start using it for normal daily activities such as bathing, dressing and eating. You should wait for your healthcare provider’s permission before doing things that involve lifting, pulling or pushing. You should also wait to play sports. In general, recovery is similar to treating a broken clavicle without surgery with return to normal activity around three months or so and full recovery up to six to 12 months after surgery.

While your break heals, you should follow-up with your surgeon or other healthcare provider to make sure you don’t have complications. Complications after surgery may include:

  • Malunion: If the pieces of bone move out of place and heal in the wrong position, healthcare providers call it a malunion. It may need surgery.
  • Pain and stiffness: Sometimes the shoulder can get very stiff or painful after surgery. Your healthcare provider may recommend physical therapy or remove any irritating pieces of hardware.
  • Wound problems: The place where the surgeon cut your skin may have trouble healing, get infected or bleed.

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