What is the French method for clubfoot treatment?

What is the French method for clubfoot treatment?

This method is similar to the Ponseti method, but it uses splinting and taping instead of casting. A splint is a device that supports and protects bones.

A physical therapist performs this treatment. They’ll start the treatment soon after birth. This treatment needs to be done every day rather than once a week. But you don’t need to return to the physical therapist each time. The physical therapist sees your child a few times a week and teaches you how to do the splinting and taping at home.

How to do the French method to fix clubfoot:

  1. Stretch the baby’s foot toward the correct position.
  2. Hold the foot in place using tape and splints.
  3. Repeat this process every day for two months.
  4. Repeat the process less frequently until the baby is 3 months old. (The physical therapist will tell you how often to do it).

Babies who undergo the French method often need an Achilles tenotomy as well.

After three months, you’ll likely notice improvement in your baby’s foot. To maintain the correct foot position and prevent clubfoot from coming back, parents often need to continue the regimen until their child is 2 or 3 years old.

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