What is dacryocystorhinostomy for blocked tear ducts?

What is dacryocystorhinostomy for blocked tear ducts?

If less-invasive options don’t bring relief, your provider may recommend surgery. Providers usually use dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). This procedure creates a new route to drain tears into your nose.

On the day of surgery, you receive anesthesia to help you stay calm and numb during the operation. During the procedure, your surgeon:

  1. Creates a connection between your lacrimal sac and nose. The surgeon may use small incisions or place tools through the nose.
  2. Places stents (small, hollow tubes) to hold open the new route as it heals.

A dacryocystorhinostomy is usually an outpatient surgery, meaning you can go home the same day. Typically, your surgeon removes the stents after three to four months.

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