What is cervical artery dissection?

What is cervical artery dissection?

There are four main arteries that supply blood flow to the brain. Two carotid arteries and two vertebral arteries. The carotid arteries can be felt on each side of the lower neck, immediately below the angle of the jaw. The vertebral arteries are located in the back of the neck near the spine and cannot be felt on physical exam.

The artery walls are made up of three layers of different types of tissue, each with a specific function. Dissection occurs when a tear in the artery wall allows blood to leak between the layers and separate them. The effect has been described as what happens to a piece of plywood that gets wet.

Cervical artery dissection is a dissection of any of the arteries in the neck. It can involve a carotid or vertebral artery and sometimes multiple arteries can be involved.

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