What is atychiphobia?

What is atychiphobia?

Atychiphobia is an intense fear of failure. It comes from the Greek word “atyches,” meaning "unfortunate.”

People with atychiphobia may avoid any situation where they see a potential for failure, such as an exam or job interview. It can also mean being afraid of a failed relationship, a failed career or being a disappointment to others.

The fear often becomes self-fulfilling. For example, if you’re so scared of failing a test that you refuse to take the test, you may end up failing an entire class.

Fear of failure can lead to a broad range of emotional and psychological problems, including shame, depression, anxiety, panic attacks or low self-esteem. It may negatively affect how you perform at school or work, or how you interact with friends and family members.

Atychiphobia is different from atelophobia, which is a fear of imperfection.

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