What does a healthcare provider do to treat a broken collarbone?

What does a healthcare provider do to treat a broken collarbone?

Most clavicle fractures don’t need surgery. If the broken parts of the bone are in a good position to heal, healthcare providers may recommend:

  • Arm support: A sling can help you feel more comfortable as you heal. It can also prevent broken parts of bone from moving around.
  • Medication: Over-the-counter medications can relieve pain as the bone heals. Some healthcare providers may prescribe stronger drugs, such as opioids, for a very short period of time. Those come with risk of drug addiction, though, and should be used only if really necessary
  • Physical therapy: A physical therapist can teach you special exercises. These exercises can improve motion in your arm, strengthen your shoulder and prevent stiffness. You may do the exercises in a physical therapist’s office, at home or both.

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