What complications can occur if cholecystitis is not treated?

What complications can occur if cholecystitis is not treated?

Complications can range from ongoing infection to possible death.

  • Severely Infected gallbladder: A blocked gallbladder that is extremely uncomfortable and painful. Without treatment, it could lead to an overwhelming infection, or even gangrene of the gallbladder.
  • Cholangitis: An acute infection of the main bile ducts and liver that can be extremely life-threating if not promptly treated.
  • Inflamed pancreas (Pancreatitis): Your common bile duct and the pancreatic duct share the same “valve” into the duodenum. If a gallstone blocks that valve, the potent pancreatic enzyme juice excreted by the pancreases gets backed up causing pancreatitis, which can also be severe and life threatening.

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