What causes veins to bulge?

What causes veins to bulge?

If you notice your veins are bulging, you might have varicose veins. This is a common condition that affects 1 in 3 adults.

You have different types of veins in your body, including deep veins and superficial veins. Varicose veins form when the superficial veins, the veins just beneath the skin, weaken. Increased blood pressure in your veins stretches them longer and wider. Your veins normally have one-way valves that allow blood to return to your heart. As your veins are stretched, these one-way valves stretch and blood becomes backed up in your veins. This worsens the stretching.

Common causes of varicose veins include:

  • Being assigned female at birth.
  • Hormonal changes, especially during pregnancy.
  • Having overweight/obesity.
  • Standing or sitting for long periods of time.
  • Smoking (which can harm the lining of your veins).
  • Family history of vein problems.

Besides varicose veins, other reasons why our veins bulge include:

  • Intense exercise. If you exercise a lot, especially by lifting weights, you might see bulging veins in your hands or arms. This is because exercise increases your blood flow and builds muscle. As your muscles get bigger, your superficial veins become more visible under your skin.
  • Low-calorie diet. As your percentage of body fat gets lower, your veins might become more prominent, especially in your hands and arms.
  • Getting older. While aging increases your chances of getting varicose veins, it can also simply make your skin thinner and less elastic. These changes make your veins easier to see through your skin.
  • Underlying medical conditions, like vasculitis or chronic venous insufficiency.

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