What causes circadian rhythm sleep disorders?

What causes circadian rhythm sleep disorders?

Circadian rhythm sleep disorders are caused by continuous or occasional disruption of sleep patterns. The disruption results from either a malfunction in your “internal body clock” or a mismatch between your “internal body clock” and the external environment (for example, social and work requirements), which affects the timing and duration of sleep. This circadian mismatch causes problems functioning at work, school and in social activities.

Situations that can trigger a circadian rhythm sleep disorder include:

  • Frequent changes in work shift.
  • Jet lag.
  • Frequent changes in time to go to bed and time to wake up.
  • Brain damage resulting from such medical conditions as stroke, dementia, head injury intellectual disabilities.
  • Blindness or lack of exposure to sunlight for long periods of time.
  • Certain drugs.
  • Poor sleep hygiene (lack of practices, habits and other factors that promote good quality sleep).
  • Older age.

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