What causes chondrosarcoma?

What causes chondrosarcoma?

Researchers are still investigating what causes bone cancers such as chondrosarcoma. They have linked chondrosarcoma to the inherited condition Li-Fraumeni syndrome. People with certain medical conditions have an increased risk of developing chondrosarcoma. These conditions include:

  • Maffucci Syndrome. People who have this syndrome have a large number of benign tumors on their bones that cause their bones to weaken. They might also have reddish or purplish skin growths, called hemangiomas, which are knots and tangles of unusually large blood vessels.
  • Ollier’s Disease. Like Maffucci syndrome, people who have this condition have multiple benign tumors on their bones.
  • Multiple Hereditary Exostoses (osteochondromatoses). These are multiple benign bone tumors that can disrupt your bone growth.

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