What causes bladder exstrophy?

What causes bladder exstrophy?

Experts don’t know why bladder exstrophy occurs. There is some evidence that environmental factors and genetics play a role.

Risk factors for bladder exstrophy include:

  • Family history: Adults who had bladder exstrophy as children have about a 1 in 70 chance of having a child with the condition. The risk is higher if parents have another child with bladder exstrophy.
  • Race: Bladder exstrophy is most common in white families.
  • Sex: Males are up to three times as likely as females to have bladder exstrophy.
  • Fertility treatments: Using assisted reproductive technology such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) can increase the risk of bladder exstrophy. Some studies have shown that parents who undergo fertility treatments are about seven times more likely to have a child with bladder exstrophy.

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