What are the types of agranulocytosis?

What are the types of agranulocytosis?

There are two types of agranulocytosis. It can be inherited (present at birth) or acquired.

  • Inherited agranulocytosis results from a genetic disorder. This problem affects how the body produces white blood cells. Infantile genetic agranulocytosis is a rare form of inherited agranulocytosis. It is also called Kostmann syndrome or congenital agranulocytosis. Newborns with this condition have recurring infections, fevers, inflammation and problems with their bones.
  • Acquired agranulocytosis can result from certain infections. Exposure to chemicals and some prescription medications may also cause it. Cancer-treating drugs and antipsychotic medications commonly cause acquired agranulocytosis. This form of the disorder is also called drug-induced agranulocytosis.

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