What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome?

Symptoms usually begin slowly and can occur at any time. Early symptoms include:

  • Numbness at night.
  • Tingling and/or pain in the fingers (especially the thumb, index and middle fingers).

In fact, because some people sleep with their wrists curled, nighttime symptoms are common and can wake people from sleep. These nighttime symptoms are often the first reported symptoms. Shaking the hands helps relieve symptoms in the early stage of the condition.

Common daytime symptoms can include:

  • Tingling in the fingers.
  • Decreased feeling in the fingertips.
  • Difficulty using the hand for small tasks, like:
    • Handling small objects.
    • Grasping a steering wheel to drive.
    • Holding a book to read.
    • Writing.
    • Using a computer keyboard.

As carpal tunnel syndrome worsens, symptoms become more constant. These symptoms can include:

  • Weakness in the hand.
  • Inability to perform tasks that require delicate motions (such as buttoning a shirt).
  • Dropping objects.

In the most severe condition, the muscles at the base of the thumb visibly shrink in size (atrophy).

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