What are the side effects of the treatments for age spots?

What are the side effects of the treatments for age spots?

Sensitivity to the sun is the most common side effect for all of the treatments for age spots. After undergoing any procedure to remove age spots, avoid sun exposure while the new layer of skin grows. It is essential to wear sunscreen while using topical creams because the skin will be more sensitive to the sun.

In addition to sensitivity to the sun, specific side effects for each treatment are as follows.

  • Topical creams: Common side effects from skin lightening creams and tretinoin include:
    • Burning and stinging
    • Itching
    • Dry skin
  • Laser resurfacing: Skin will peel for 5-7 days after treatment. Side effects include:
    • Pain and itching
    • Burning
    • Crusting
    • Temporary darkening or discoloration of the age spot
  • Chemical peel: Blisters will form and crust over, and then the skin peels and flakes off for 3-7 days. Side effects from chemical peels include:
    • Pain in the treated area
    • Changes in skin color
    • Cold sores on and around the lips
  • Cryosurgery: Side effects of this procedure include:
    • Pain, redness, and crusting or a blister/blood blister where the age spot was frozen
    • Swelling that lasts 3-4 days
  • Dermabrasion: Side effects vary depending on how much skin the doctor removes. They include:
    • Flaky skin for 3-5 days after treatment
    • Pain in the treated area
    • Scarring and loss of skin pigmentation

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