What are the possible complications of calciphylaxis or side effects from treatment?

What are the possible complications of calciphylaxis or side effects from treatment?

Your healthcare provider can best explain to you the possible complications and side effects that may happen. Because calciphylaxis isn't well-understood, complications and side effects can be unpredictable and may be very different from person to person.

Some of the possible side effects and complications include:

  • Infection. This refers to infections that might happen in connection with medical procedures, dialysis or surgeries rather than infections from calciphylaxis-caused wounds.
  • Amputation (especially with lesions on your hands or feet). This is sometimes necessary when limbs — especially fingers and toes — are damaged beyond repair or recovery.
  • Side effects from sodium thiosulfate. These include nausea, vomiting, fluid balance issues, low blood pressure and blood acidity problems. In many cases, adjusting the dose of this medication or treating the side effect symptoms was effective.

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