What are the long term side effects of taking cocaine?

What are the long term side effects of taking cocaine?

There are many health side effects of cocaine use. Long-term side effects, based on how cocaine is used, include:

  • From snorting: nosebleeds, running nose, loss of smell, hole in the nasal septum (the wall dividing the two sides of the nose), hole in the roof of the mouth, swallowing problems.
  • From injecting: increased risk of IV-related viruses, such as hepatitis C and HIV/AIDS, from sharing needles; vein collapse or scarring; heart valve, skin and soft tissue infections.
  • From smoking: cough, irregular breathing, asthma, increased risk of lung infections including pneumonia and bronchitis.
  • From absorption through gums in the mouth: mouth sores (ulcers) on the gums and the underlying bone, receding gums, chronic gingivitis (inflammation of the gum tissue), dry mouth, tooth decay.

Other general long-term effects include:

  • Severe weight loss and malnourishment.
  • Movement disorders similar to Parkinson’s disease.
  • Intestinal death and rupture due to constricted blood vessels/lack of oxygen to the intestinal tract.

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