What are the different types of albinism?

What are the different types of albinism?

There are several different types of albinism. Levels of pigmentation vary depending on which type of albinism you have. The different types of albinism include:

  • Oculocutaneous albinism: Oculocutaneous (pronounced “ock-you-low-kew-TAIN-ee-us”) albinism, or OCA, is the most common type of albinism. People with OCA have extremely pale hair, skin and eyes. There are seven different subtypes of OCA, caused by mutations in one of seven genes (OCA1 to OCA7).
  • Ocular albinism: Ocular albinism, or OA, is much less common than OCA. Ocular albinism affects only your eyes. People with OA usually have blue eyes. Sometimes your irises (colored part of your eyes) are very pale, so your eyes may appear red or pink. This is because the blood vessels inside your eyes show through the irises. Your skin and hair color are usually normal.
  • Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome: Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome, or HPS, is a type of albinism that includes a form of OCA along with blood disorders, bruising issues and lung, kidney or bowel diseases.
  • Chediak-Higashi syndrome: Chediak-Higashi syndrome is a type of albinism that includes a form of OCA along with immune and neurological issues.

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