What are the branchial cleft cyst types?

What are the branchial cleft cyst types?

Healthcare providers categorize branchial cleft cysts by the arch and cleft. Here is information about those types:

Branchial cleft cyst typeIncidenceLocation and impactFirst branchial cleft cystFirst branchial cleft cysts make up approximately 5% to 25% of all branchial cleft anomalies. There are two first cleft cyst sub-types.First branchial cleft cysts are located between your ear and the submandibular area. That’s the area between your lower jaw and your hyoid bone. Your hyoid bone supports your tongue. First branchial cleft cysts can affect your middle or external ear.Second branchial cleft cystThis is the most common branchial cleft cyst, representing approximately 40% to 95% of branchial anomalies.These cysts usually appear under the skin of your neck muscle. People often notice second branchial cleft cysts when they develop upper respiratory infections. You can have second branchial cleft cysts on both sides of your neck.Third/fourth branchial cleft cystsThese cysts are rare.They’re usually found under your skin on the left side of your neck or at the bottom of your neck near your collarbone. These cysts can affect your thyroid gland.

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