What are symptoms of Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma?

What are symptoms of Adult Hodgkin Lymphoma?

Signs of adult Hodgkin lymphoma include swollen lymph nodes, fever, drenching night sweats, and weight loss.

These and other signs and symptoms may be caused by adult Hodgkin lymphoma or by other conditions. Check with your doctor if you have any of the following symptoms that do not go away:

  • Painless, swollen lymph nodes in the neck, underarm, or groin.
  • Fever for no known reason.
  • Drenching night sweats.
  • Weight loss for no known reason in the past 6 months.
  • Itchy skin, especially after bathing or drinking alcohol.
  • Feeling very tired.

Fever for no known reason, weight loss for no known reason, and drenching night sweats are called B symptoms. B symptoms are an important part of staging Hodgkin lymphoma and understanding the patient's chance of recovery.

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