What are some bowel management points to remember if I have multiple sclerosis?

What are some bowel management points to remember if I have multiple sclerosis?

  • The goal is a comfortable bowel movement (BM) either every day, every other day, or every 2 to 3 days. For regular bowel movements you need fluid (1½ to 2 quarts a day), fiber (20 to 30 grams a day) and activity.
  • One-third of a cup of Fiber One®, All-Bran® or 100% Bran Buds® gives you half the fiber you need for the day.
  • Greasy foods, spicy foods, or food intolerances (for example, lactose intolerance) may cause loose stool and may result in involuntary bowel movements.

Plan of action

  • Eat regularly for regular bowel habits. Plan for a bowel movement each day about ½ hour after eating or drinking something warm (bowel activity is naturally increased at this time). Sit on the toilet about 10 minutes, and try to have a BM. You may want to gently rock back and forth on the toilet. If nothing happens, leave the bathroom and try again later.
  • Use a suppository to help stimulate bowel activity. (It takes about 20 minutes for a suppository to work.) Occasionally, it might help to take milk of magnesia or citrate of magnesia to stimulate bowel activity.
  • It may take two to three months to establish a regular bowel regimen.

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